Western Piedmont Community College
Employee Directory
Name Position Desc Phone # Email Address Office Bldg Office #
Tanner Abernethy Grounds Technician   tabernethy@bjlanjia.com MT1 (Maintenance #1) Room M-Shed
Gergana Adams
Instructor, English
(828) 448-6021 gadams@bjlanjia.com LRC (Phifer LRC) Room 31
Terry Adams Coordinator, Vocational Programs
(828) 448-6707 tadams@bjlanjia.com K (K Bldg) Room 120-C
Leslie Aldridge Division Assistant, Workforce & Continuing Education (828) 448-6711 laldridge@bjlanjia.com HEC (Foothills Higher Education Cen) Room 113
Leigh Angle Project Coordinator, Title III (828) 448-3170 langle@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 113
Monica Arney Controller (828) 448-3129 marney@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 301-D
Brittany Atwell Director, TRIO ETS (828) 448-3181 batwell@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 139-B
Emily Banks Director, Marketing (828) 448-3120 ebanks@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 330-B
Charles Barnes Project Manager   cbarnes3@bjlanjia.com HEC (Foothills Higher Education Cen)  
Miranda Beaver Division Assistant, Law Enforcement Center (828) 448-3135 mbeaver3@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 214
Jenny Beck Success Coach (828) 448-6031 bentonjb@bjlanjia.com PFH (Phifer Hall) Room 96
Annette M. Benedetti Director, Advising (828) 448-3155 abenedetti@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 146
Susan Berley Vice President for Student Success & Support Services
(828) 448-6125 sberley@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 330-B
Josh S. Berry Technology Support (828) 448-6032 jberry@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 110
Michelle Bobo Department Head, Nursing (828) 448-3529 mbobo@bjlanjia.com HEC (Foothills Higher Education Cen) Room 216
Taylor Boone IHE Coordinator (828) 448-3157 boonetr@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 106
Mackenzie Bostian   (828) 448-3123 mbostian@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 319
Carla Branch Payroll Accounting Specialist (828) 448-3111 cbranch@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 301-E
Ruth Brisson Circulation Administrative Technician (828) 448-6195 rbrisson@bjlanjia.com LRC (Phifer LRC) Room 104
Robert Brittain Maintenance Lead   rbrittain@bjlanjia.com MT1 (Maintenance #1) Room M-Shed
Joy Buff Director, College & Career Readiness (828) 448-6704 jbuff@bjlanjia.com PH (Patton Hall) Room 10-B
Kayla Buff Instructor, Cosmetology (828) 448-3539 kbuff2@bjlanjia.com COS (Cosmetology Bldg) Room 116
Stacey Burchette Instructor, Mathematics (828) 448-3513 sburchette@bjlanjia.com PFH (Phifer Hall) Room 18-A
Joshua Cecil Coordinator, Welding Technology (828) 448-3553 jcecil@bjlanjia.com BH (Breeden Hall) Room 30
Wes C. Chaney Counselor, College & Career Readiness/Coordinator, Secondary Education (828) 448-6705 wchaney@bjlanjia.com PH (Patton Hall) Room 21
Jenna Chapman Coordinator, Cosmetology (828) 448-3548 jchapman3@bjlanjia.com COS (Cosmetology Bldg) Room 114
Matthew Childres Instructor, English (828) 448-6137 mchildres@bjlanjia.com LRC (Phifer LRC) Room 34
Bryan Christy Director, Law Enforcement Training (828) 448-3138 bchristy@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 214-D
Tanya Clanton Instructor, Nursing (828) 448-6157 tclanton@bjlanjia.com HEC (Foothills Higher Education Cen) Room 215
Amanda Cline Apprenticeship Coordinator   acline5@bjlanjia.com    
Tonya Coates Coordinator, Accounting & Business Administration
(828) 448-6058 tcoates@bjlanjia.com CH (Carr Hall) Room 220
James Coleman Director, Technology Services (828) 448-3148 jcoleman@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 107-A
Betsy Colliander Coordinator, Medical Office & Office Administration
(828) 448-6057 bcolliander@bjlanjia.com CH (Carr Hall) Room 219
Matthew Cook Career Coach (828) 448-3163 cookma@bjlanjia.com E (E Bldg Instruction) Room 111
Christopher Craig Records Specialist (828) 448-6133 ccraig@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 117
Mary Craig Instructor, Medical Assisting (828) 448-3501 mcraig@bjlanjia.com JBH (Jim W Burnett Hall) Room 259
Robert Crawford Coordinator, Computer Integrated Machining Technology (828) 448-3563 rcrawford2@bjlanjia.com F (F Bldg) Room 10
Jonathan Crumpler Coordinator, DEAT & SGD

(828) 448-3544 jcrumpler@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 324
Jason Dale
Department Head, Business
(828) 448-6055 jdale@bjlanjia.com CH (Carr Hall) Room 217
Jeffrey Dale Facility Service Aide   jdale76@bjlanjia.com MT1 (Maintenance #1) Room M-Shed
Nancy Daniel   (828) 448-3160 ndaniel@bjlanjia.com LRC (Phifer LRC) Room 103
Michael Daniels Dean, Applied Technologies
(828) 448-3564 mdaniels@bjlanjia.com BH (Breeden Hall) Room 90
Cynthia Davies Vice President of Academic Affairs & Workforce Development (828) 448-6048 cdavies@bjlanjia.com CH (Carr Hall) Room 140
Charlene Davis Instructional Technology Coach (828) 448-6097 cmdavis@bjlanjia.com CH (Carr Hall) Room 221
Anissa Demiter Instructor, English
(828) 448-6024 ademiter@bjlanjia.com LRC (Phifer LRC) Room 57
Terry Doyle Coordinator, Social Sciences (828) 448-3550 tdoyle@bjlanjia.com E (E Bldg Instruction) Room 103-F
Brenda Duckworth Instructor, Mathematics (828) 448-3512 bduckworth@bjlanjia.com PFH (Phifer Hall) Room 82
Katie Dunnagan Coordinator, Institutional Research & Evaluation (828) 448-3171 kdunnagan@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 330-A
Stephanie Ervin Davis Assistant Controller (828) 448-6020 servin-davis@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 301-G
Nicholas Evitt
Director, TRIO SSS
(828) 448-3504 nevitt@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 129
Kristi Farley Director, Academic Compliance and Quality
(828) 448-3114 kfarley@bjlanjia.com CH (Carr Hall) Room 141
John Ferguson Instructor, Professional Crafts Wood (828) 448-6748 jferguson@bjlanjia.com BH (Breeden Hall) Room 60
Judy Fisher Examiner, High School Equivalency (828) 448-3134 jfisher62@bjlanjia.com PH (Patton Hall) Room 20
Jasmine Fowler Administrative Coordinator, AAWD   jfowler2@bjlanjia.com    
Destiny Franklin Coordinator, Human Services (828) 448-3137 dfranklin4@bjlanjia.com CH (Carr Hall) Room 223
Melissa Freeman Division Assistant, College & Career Readiness (828) 448-6710 mfreeman@bjlanjia.com PH (Patton Hall) Room 10-A
Thomas Frost Department Head, Mathematics
(828) 448-3514 tfrost@bjlanjia.com PFH (Phifer Hall) Room 18-B
Thomas Furse Dean, Workforce Development & Continuing Education (828) 448-3121 tfurse@bjlanjia.com HEC (Foothills Higher Education Cen) Room 108
Grady Gaither Facility Services Aide   ggaither@bjlanjia.com MT1 (Maintenance #1) Room M-Shed
Laura Gallman Coordinator, English (828) 448-6029 lgallman@bjlanjia.com PFH (Phifer Hall) Room 58
April Gardin Foundation & Grants Accountant (828) 448-6022 agardin2@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 301-A
Kasey Gardner Coordinator, Early Childhood Education (828) 448-3133 kgardner@bjlanjia.com CH (Carr Hall) Room 121
Ronnie Gibbs Assistant Chief, Security & Safety (828) 448-6196 rgibbs@bjlanjia.com JBH (Jim W Burnett Hall) Room 151
Tammy Glover Coordinator, Dental Assisting
(828) 448-3545 tglover@bjlanjia.com HEC (Foothills Higher Education Cen) Room 125
Zebedee Graham Chief of Security & Safety (828) 448-6196 zgraham@bjlanjia.com JBH (Jim W Burnett Hall) Room 151
Ronald Gray Director, Facility Services (828) 448-6068 rgray@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 27
Herbert Guynes Coordinator, Building Construction Technology (828) 448-6139 bguynes@bjlanjia.com K (K Bldg) Room 115-D
Robin Hall Director, Purchasing (828) 448-3107 rhall@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 301-C
Bryan Harris Coordinator, IST & Mechatronics (828) 448-3568 bharris@bjlanjia.com M (Mechatronics Bldg) Room 103
Randolph Harrison
(828) 448-3179 rharrison@bjlanjia.com E (E Bldg Instruction) Room 135
Cody Helms Assistant Director, Financial Aid (828) 448-3151 chelms2@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 119
Meagan Hennessee
Bookstore/Cafe Specialist
(828) 448-3187 mhennessee2@bjlanjia.com PFH (Phifer Hall) Room 81-C
Lillian Hennessy Coordinator, Physical Education (828) 448-3506 lhennessy@bjlanjia.com E (E Bldg Instruction) Room 103-H
Russell Hennessy Simulation/Lab Coordinator   hennessyrussell@yahoo.com HEC (Foothills Higher Education Cen) Room 151
Lacie Herman TRIO ETS - Educational Resource Facilitator (828) 448-6023 lminton3@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 139
Sandra Hoilman Vice President for Administrative Services/Chief Financial Officer (828) 448-6025 shoilman@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 301-B
Wendy Houk Coordinator, Allied Health Programs (828) 448-3532 whouk@bjlanjia.com HEC (Foothills Higher Education Cen) Room 124
Terry Houston Director, Occupational Extension (828) 448-6751 thouston@bjlanjia.com HEC (Foothills Higher Education Cen) Room 111
Cathy Huffman Oaks
Instructor, Medical Office & Office Administration
(828) 448-6056 choaks@bjlanjia.com CH (Carr Hall) Room 218
Eric Hurley Instructor, Construction Trades (828) 448-3118 ehurley@bjlanjia.com K (K Bldg) Room 215-B
April James Coordinator, Medical Laboratory Technology (828) 448-6033 ajames@bjlanjia.com E (E Bldg Instruction) Room 102
David Jaynes Director, Emergency Medical Services (828) 448-3165 jaynesda@bjlanjia.com HEC (Foothills Higher Education Cen) Room 103
Stacey Johnson Instructor, Chemistry (828) 448-3523 sjohnson@bjlanjia.com PH (Patton Hall) Room 105
Maria Juan Velasquez Marketing Specialist (828) 448-6416 mjuan@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 330-A
Deanna Keller Assistant Director, Personal and Career Development (828) 448-3154 dkeller@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 136
Shannon Kincaid Department Head, Science (828) 448-3524 skincaid@bjlanjia.com PH (Patton Hall) Room 106
John Kiser Coordinator, Physical Science
(828) 448-3168 jkiser@bjlanjia.com PH (Patton Hall) Room 108-A
Lily Laramie Director, Small Business Center (828) 448-6719 llaramie@bjlanjia.com HEC (Foothills Higher Education Cen) Room 105
Sarah Ledford Instructor, Nursing (828) 448-3528 sledford2@bjlanjia.com HEC (Foothills Higher Education Cen) Room 219
Benjamin Leonard Network Administrator (828) 448-3190 bleonard@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 110
Mai Lor   (828) 448-6046 mlor8@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 100
Jordan Lowe
Admissions & Academic Advisor
(828) 448-3161 jlowe2@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 100-B
Daniel Lynn Facility Construction & Maintenance   lynndr@bjlanjia.com MT1 (Maintenance #1) Room M-Shed
Laura Marley-Trotter Instructor, Medical Laboratory Technology (828) 448-3541 lmarley-trotter@bjlanjia.com E (E Bldg Instruction) Room 120
Nickcole Maynard-Errami Director of Human Resources (828) 448-3126 nmaynard-errami@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 311
Hope McPeters Collections/Payroll Specialist (828) 448-6128 hmcpeters@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 301-F
Erin Mendoza Instructor, Spanish (828) 448-3109 emendoza@bjlanjia.com PFH (Phifer Hall) Room 32
Kyle Miller Computer Support Administrator (828) 448-3145 kmiller@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 108
Patsy Miller Coordinator, College & Career Readiness (828) 448-6706 pmiller@bjlanjia.com PH (Patton Hall) Room 22
Brian Mills Coordinator, Paralegal (828) 448-6044 bmills@bjlanjia.com CH (Carr Hall) Room 122
Timothy Mode Instructor, Physics (828) 448-3525 tmode2@bjlanjia.com PH (Patton Hall) Room 110
Jennie Moore Coordinator, Mechanical Engineering Technology (828) 448-3559 jmoore11@bjlanjia.com BH (Breeden Hall) Room 40
Michael Moore Instructor, Biology (828) 448-3527 mmoore2@bjlanjia.com PH (Patton Hall) Room 114
Jennifer Moua Director, Financial Aid (828) 448-3152 jmoua@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 123
Steven Moulton Coordinator, Criminal Justice
(828) 448-6042 smoulton@bjlanjia.com CH (Carr Hall) Room 129
Leslie Mull Practical Nursing Instructor (828) 448-3507 lmull3@bjlanjia.com HEC (Foothills Higher Education Cen) Room 243 A
Bynum Murray Instructor, Simulation & Game Development (828) 448-6193 bmurray@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 323
Emily Nestor Director, Center for Teaching & Learning (828) 448-3519 enestor@bjlanjia.com CH (Carr Hall) Room 222
Samuel Noggle Career Coach (828) 448-3188 nogglesw@bjlanjia.com E (E Bldg Instruction) Room 111
Gerald O'Hearn Coordinator/Instructor, Computer & Electrical Engineering Technology (828) 448-3560 gohearn@bjlanjia.com BH (Breeden Hall) Room 50
Sarah Owens Weeks Instructor, Criminal Justice (828) 448-6047 sowensweeks@bjlanjia.com CH (Carr Hall) Room 120
Lucy Palmer Career Coach (828) 448-3189 lpalmer@bjlanjia.com E (E Bldg Instruction) Room 111
Leah Patton Coordinator, Student Support Services (828) 448-6142 lpatton@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 130
Mark Pellatt Assistant Dean, Arts & Sciences
(828) 448-3543 mpellatt@bjlanjia.com E (E Bldg Instruction) Room 103-D
Mark Poteat
Coordinator, Visual Arts
(828) 448-3538 mpoteat@bjlanjia.com E (E Bldg Instruction) Room 115
Kara Presnell
Instructor, Communication
(828) 448-6194 kpresnell@bjlanjia.com PFH (Phifer Hall) Room 33
Jennifer Propst Director, Outreach & Recruitment (828) 448-6051 jpropst@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 100-A
Kyndal Propst Success Coach (828) 448-6709 kpropst@bjlanjia.com CH (Carr Hall) Room 214
Donald Queen Department Head, Engineering
(828) 448-3556 dqueen@bjlanjia.com BH (Breeden Hall) Room 20
Linda Quinto-Ellis Instructor, Psychology (828) 448-3542 lqellis@bjlanjia.com E (E Bldg Instruction) Room 140
Ann Marie Radaskiewicz Dean, Arts & Sciences & QEP Director
(828) 448-3509 aradaskiewicz@bjlanjia.com E (E Bldg Instruction) Room 103-C
Kristina Rasmussen Bookstore Manager (828) 448-6127 krasmussen@bjlanjia.com PFH (Phifer Hall) Room 81-D
Peggy Reel Accounts Receivable Specialist (828) 448-3106 mreel2@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 301-A
Chassidy Reynolds Admissions & Academic Advisor (828) 448-3530 creynolds@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 100-D
Leslie Ruckdeschel Financial Aid Counselor (828) 448-6712 lruckdeschel@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 120
Nicola Saturno
Luke Setzer Success Coach (828) 448-6050 lsetzer2@bjlanjia.com E (E Bldg Instruction) Room 103-E
Jessica Sewell   (828) 448-3182 jsewell@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 139-A
Timothy Shatley Instructor, Mathematics (828) 448-3590 tshatley@bjlanjia.com PFH (Phifer Hall) Room 18-B
Lisa Shaw Director, Personal & Career Development (828) 448-3116 ljshaw@bjlanjia.com PFH (Phifer Hall) Room 135
Stacey Sholar Executive Assistant to the President (828) 448-3102 ssholar@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 313
Vicki Shuping Coordinator, Medical Assisting (828) 448-3172 vshuping@bjlanjia.com JBH (Jim W Burnett Hall) Room 260
Elizabeth Silvey Instructor, Nursing (828) 448-3534 esilvey@bjlanjia.com HEC (Foothills Higher Education Cen) Room 217
Luke Simmons Grounds Tech   lsimmons@bjlanjia.com MT1 (Maintenance #1) Room M-Shed
David Smart Director, Industry Services (828) 448-6154 dsmart@bjlanjia.com HEC (Foothills Higher Education Cen) Room 109
Amanda Smith Accounts Payable/Equipment Specialist (828) 448-3108 asmith9@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 303
Trey Smith Director, Emergency Services Programs (828) 448-6708 rsmith8@bjlanjia.com HEC (Foothills Higher Education Cen) Room 110
Susan Smith Director of Grants & Sponsored Projects (828) 448-3122 ssmith20@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 320
Brandy Snipes   (828) 448-6059 bsnipes@bjlanjia.com CH (Carr Hall) Room 124
Lauren Soots Instructor, Nursing (828) 448-6190 lsoots@bjlanjia.com HEC (Foothills Higher Education Cen) Room 214
Michael Spath Coordinator, Life Science
(828) 448-3522 mspath@bjlanjia.com PH (Patton Hall) Room 103
Brandon Stafford Instructor, English (828) 448-3125 bstafford@bjlanjia.com PFH (Phifer Hall) Room 035
Abigail Stewart Instructor, Business Administration (828) 448-6054 astewart@bjlanjia.com CH (Carr Hall) Room 216
Tina Stewart Network/Computer Support Technician (828) 448-3149 tstewart@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 110
Lindsay Stump Financial Aid Counselor (828) 448-3597 lstump@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 124
Mary Tallent Bookstore/Cafe Specialist (828) 448-6725 mtallent@bjlanjia.com PFH (Phifer Hall) Room 81-C
Samuel Tallent Instructor, Construction Trades (828) 448-6191 stallent3@bjlanjia.com K (K Bldg) Room 115-C
Emily Thao Instructor, Nursing (828) 448-3547 ethao3@bjlanjia.com HEC (Foothills Higher Education Cen) Room 218
Teresa Turnmire     tturnmire@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 312
Tou Vang Dean, Student Services (828) 448-3178 tvang5@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 116
Robert Vasile Instructor, Information Technology
(828) 448-6067 rvasile@bjlanjia.com CH (Carr Hall) Room 215
Anna Watkins Assistant Director of Records & Registration, CE (828) 448-6041 awatkins@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 107
L. Michelle Weiner Coordinator, College & Career Readiness/LEIS Data Specialist

(828) 448-6740 lweiner@bjlanjia.com PH (Patton Hall) Room 19
Joel Welch President
(828) 448-3102 jwelch@bjlanjia.com MH (Moore Hall) Room 313-B
Ashley Wells Administrative Coordinator, AAWD (828) 448-6123 awells@bjlanjia.com E (E Bldg Instruction) Room 103-G
Mark Whisnant General Maintenance Utilities   mwhisnant@bjlanjia.com MT1 (Maintenance #1) Room M-Shed
Chadwick Wilkes Grounds Lead/General Maintenance   cwilkes@bjlanjia.com MT1 (Maintenance #1) Room M-Shed
Katharine Wright Department Head, Allied Health (828) 448-3536 kwright@bjlanjia.com PH (Patton Hall) Room 6
Ava Yamouti Dean, Health & Human Services (828) 448-3502 ayamouti@bjlanjia.com HEC (Foothills Higher Education Cen) Room 126
Jeffery York
Coordinator, Interpreter Education
(828) 448-6028 yorkjb@bjlanjia.com CH (Carr Hall) Room 123
Parker Young Coordinator, Student Activities (828) 448-3169 pyoung@bjlanjia.com HH (Hildebrand Hall) Room 100
Number of Records: 161 Printed on: Mar 3, 2025 at 9:30 AM